Church is cancelled feb. 9th


Welcome to Dillman Church. It is our hope that you find us to be an authentic church that loves God, one another and our community, both locally and globally. At Dillman Church, we seek to glorify God by becoming the People of God on the Mission of God. We know this is a journey and we are excited about the path God has us on! 

No matter where you are in your faith journey, we invite you to join us as we seek to tangibly let the world know the good news of Jesus Christ though Worship, Community, Growth, Service and Generosity. Making disciples is our mission. The glory of God is our aim.

what to expect

When you come to Dillman Church you are coming to a place where God is worshiped, God’s Word is taught and people are loved and accepted just as they are. We are a come as you are church, so, feel free to just be yourself. 

Our music is contemporary, our dress is casual, and our relationships are genuine. What you see is what you get. So it’s OK if you do not have your act together. We don’t! That’s why we gather together. We want to help each other become fully devoted followers of Jesus.

mission & vision


To Become the People of God on the Mission of God.


The vision of Dillman Church is to make disciples who make disciples

by inviting all people to follow Jesus, 

building them up in the faith, 

and sending them out in service to the world to do the same.

church calendar